Earn more points and get more prizes with AMK Mobile!

By paying bills and topping up their phone on AMK Mobile, customers can earn points to get rewards. Now, when customers pay various bills and top-up phone on AMK Mobile, they will receive points for lucky draw chance, and play AMK Challenge. Lucky draw chance and AMK Challenge give customers a chance to win many prizes with a total prize value of up to 70 million Riels.
Promotion period: From today until December 2023.
Tip to earn points៖
All customers will earn one point when they pay these types of bills:
- Phone Top Up
- Water Supply, Electricity, Solid Waste
- Loan & Credit Card
- Internet & TV
- Insurance
- Education
- Other Bills
Redeem point:
- Exchange 2 points for a chance to play AMK Challenge (Link)
- Exchange 5 points for a chance to win many prizes every two weeks (Link)
Terms &Conditions
- Exchange 5 points to earn one lucky draw chance to win cash.
- Winners will have chances to win 100,000 Riels for 30 prizes on the 10th and 25th of every month until November. Additionally, they will have chances to win 1,000,000 Riels for 40 prizes on December 25, 2023. If the lucky draw day falls on a weekend or holiday, it will be moved to the next working day.
- After the lucky draw event, AMK will credit the prizes to the winners’ accounts.
- Each customer is only eligible to win one prize in a single lucky draw.
- The lucky draw will be live-streamed on the AMK អេ អឹម ខេ Facebook page.
- The lucky draw chances will reset after the 9th and 24th at 11:59 pm, once your number of chances has been inputted into the lucky draw system.
- A closed account will not be considered part of the lucky draw.
* We reserve the right to change the terms and conditions at any time without prior notice!